Developing Self and Team
If you are ambitious and looking to build a bridge from where you are to where you want to reach, this course on development is for you.
What will you learn through this course?
Leaders foster ambitions not just for themselves but for their teams too. The pathway to realizing ones ambition is through development of one self and the team. One’s own development is aided by Learning orientation and development of the team by Nurturance. From this course, you will learn what it takes to learn and to nurture your team.
Approach to the Course
You may have found it challenging to both continuously renew yourself and at the same time develop your team. The two drivers of development orientation namely: Learning and Nurturance are fuel for the leadership engine. The course approaches development through the lens of learning orientation of a leader and his /her ability to help the others learn as well.
The approach of the course is to help you become aware, gain insights and skill practice on these elements referred to as Development- involving both self and the team. (Orientations are characteristics or traits.)
Learning is fuelled by purpose. It is aided by seeking and acting on feedback, discipline, staying invested and creating a support structure. Similarly, Nurturance, the other side of development requires one to be respectful to the other’s abilities, interest in them, involvement and providing them insights.
The course approaches learning both from the perspectives of orientation and style. It also dwells on tools of nurturance that are relevant to the context – such as feedback, coaching, counselling and mentoring.
In short, this course will help in getting a richer understanding of Learning and the nuances involved in development of the team.
How is the learning structured?
This course is designed to help you uncover the dimensions mentioned above by breaking it down to learning units that are bite size and easy to consume. It is structured to help you understand the content, learn its application and reflect on your behaviour relating to it. It offers a structure to skills practice to continue beyond the course as well.
The content is structured for you to absorb, internalise, reflect, be self-aware and practice building skill in that unit of content before proceeding to the next. We recommend you learn by spending time observing, reflecting and drawing deeper insights from your environment and watching others relating to the content as well. As you progress reflect and identify the areas you want to develop and practice skills beyond the course.
Deep involvement in each unit of content before moving to the next will heighten your learning experience of the program.
Learning components
Course content (Total 6 Sections)
Section 1 (A New Lens to Leadership)
1.Webcast Time : 22 min
A new lens on Leadership - Part 1
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
Leadership - what does it really mean? Due to lack of a clear understanding of Leadership and an exalted meaning attached to it by everyone, people think it is beyond them. At Leadership Centre, we believe Leadership is a journey, a process. Leadership is about taking charge in a context and be accountable to the outcome. This podcast will help you clear the myths around leadership. It introduces you to when is that we exercise leadership. It also brings out the different contexts when we creat
2.Webcast Time : 26 min
A new lens on Leadership - Part 2
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
In the second part of our introductory podcast on leadership, let us learn how you can develop your leadership abilities. Developing leadership abilities are not about working with your style and skill. Leadership abilities are underpinned by your leadership orientations. An orientation is what is characteristic of you and shapes your responses to a context. Look at leadership from the lens of leadership orientations and the need to work on it to build your leadership abilities
Section 2 (Becoming Aware)
- Profiler Time : 10 min
2.Webcast Time : 59 min
How to read your Profiler Report
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
This webcast guides you and helps you gain clarity to read your Profiler report.
Section 3 (Understanding Learning and Nurturance)
1.Webcast Time : 28 min
Leadership Orientation - Development
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
You may have found it challenging to both continuously renew yourself and at the same time develop your team. The two drivers of development orientation namely: Learning and Nurturance are fuel for the leadership engine.
2.Webcast Time : 31 min
Learning and Ability - link to Performance
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
What is the role of my ability in driving performance? How much does my learning impact the effectiveness? Watch this discussion between Mr. Muralidharan and Mrs. Aparna Nair for this engaging conversation on the topic.
3.Webcast Time : 29 min
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
Watch this webcast to understand the leadership ability of nurturance. In order to build organisations, It is extremely essential you focus on this aspect of leadership.
Section 4 (Learning from Leaders)
1.Webcast Time : 4 min
Leadership Insight On Learning with Capt. Raghu Raman
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
Want #leadership lessons from the prominent leaders of the Indian Army? Watch thia video to learn from the experiences of Capt. Raghu Raman, Strategic Coach; Founding CEO, NATGRID; Indian Army(Retd.)
2.Webcast Time : 4 min
Leadership Insight On Learning with Mr. K. V. Kamath
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
What does it take to build leaders? Watch this video to know from Mr. K. V. Kamath, President, New Development Bank; Padma Bhushan awardee and Former MD & CEO, ICICI Bank.
3.Webcast Time : 4 min
Leadership Insight On Learning with Mr. M. M. Somaya
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
How do you deal with criticism? From this video you will learn from the experiences of Mr. M. M. Somaya, Former Field Hockey player of the Indian team and 1980 Olmpics Gold Winner.
Section 5 (Further Viewing)
1.Webcast Time : 24 min
36th Chamber of Shaolin movie clip
What is Webcast?
Watch video conversations to build your leadership abilities
This movie clip from the film 36th Chamber of Shaolin is used in the learning sessions.
Section 6 (Learning from Practice)
1.Supplementary Learning Resource Time : 10 min
Development Practice Exercise
How would this benefit?
Practice exercises to help you gain focussed outcomes
Reflect on what is the journey you would like to craft for your team to help them prepare for taking up the next level challenges
Course Preview & Inclusions
- 4 hr 11 min
- 12 learning Resources
- Self-paced learning
- 1 profiling tools
- 3 hr 51 min of video content
- 1 supplementary learning resources
- Access on Mobile and Laptop
Our Leadership Courses are structured packages which are targeted towards building your leadership abilities.